Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A little reality check.

I took a trip down to Lavalette, NJ on Sunday to see what I could do to help in the rebuilding and restoring of my summer home. Knowing what happened and seeing the footage on the news is nothing compared to walking through the devastation of the Jersey shore. I felt like I was walking around a giant movie set. Piles and piles of houses next to wide areas of nothing where houses used to be. Seeing what was left of the Lavalette boardwalk (which is where I usually start my morning runs).. it was grounding. I really had to stop and think about the things I complain about. I complain because I struggle with food issues, I complain because I want to lose weight, I complain because I have to wake up early for work. Well, as much as we all need to complain sometimes, I really have nothing to complain about. Walking through the aftermath of hurricane Sandy was grounding. It was eye opening. Very much a reality check for me. Probably something I needed to make me realize I need to appreciate all the things I have in life because nothing is permanent.

Life is a gift. Never forget to enjoy and bask in every moment you are in”
- Unknown


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring Break.

Hey all!! It has been awhile since I have written... and I really can't blame anything!! If I want to be a blogger I think I need to get better at blogging!! This past week I was on “spring break”. School was closed and it was a much needed break to sit around and do nothing. Literally. I did nothing.. besides working out and food shopping. It has been so nice!! No waking up to an alarm, no work drama, etc. I did bring home things from work to do while on break and did I do any of it?!? Nope. Not one thing. Oh well, that is what break is for right?!

I have a new obsession with two TV shows. I am not the biggest TV watcher but this break has allowed me to reconnect with netflix! I watched all 3 seasons of Arrested Development and if you have not watched it I really suggest you do. It is hysterical. At the end of May a 4th season is coming out for Netflix only and I can't wait!! I also watched season 3 of Justified and am moving on to season 4. Another amazing show!! Check them out if you haven't already! I almost don't like finding good shows because I don't want to spend so much time infront of the TV. Oh well.. they are worth it :)

I hope everyone had a great Easter holiday. Mine was full of wine and food! I enjoyed every minute of it and did not let myself feel guilty for eating certain things. Big step for me! We only live once and we should enjoy each moment we have. I am trying to work on that.
I have a workout to share with you guys. Check out the I workout section for it. All you need is a bosu.. if you don't have one you could do it with nothing but your wonderful self!
Here's to remaining positive and enjoying life!!

Enjoy your Saturday!