Fill in the blank... 2013 is off
to a ??? start. Most people start off with a “heck yes I am going
to... “eat less, exercise more, lose weight, be positive, be
kinder, eat less chocolate, etc”... well how is it going so far??
For me, my blank would probably be “rocky”. We are 13 days in to
2013 and already I am off to a rocky start... you know why?? We are
human. We make mistakes. This is ok! Rocky is ok!! I am looking at
each day as a new start. A new beginning where the mistakes of
yesterday do not matter. Each “mistake” is a new learning
experience. Each day is full of learning experiences ;)
I am not sure how much I have
shared regarding my relationship with food with you guys. I have an
eating disorder. I briefly attended therapy but, not that my
therapist was bad, I did not stick with it because it was a far drive
and I felt like I was paying a lot of money just to talk about
nonsense with someone. Right now, I want to start again. I actually
have never been diagnosed by a professional but I can give you my
professional opinion... I have experienced it all. I started off by
binge eating during my middle school and high school years, cycled
into anorexia when I graduated graduate school, moved on to bulimia
at the end of 2009 and now am back at binge eating. My weight
fluctuates so much it is crazy. This is hard for me to admit and puts
myself in such a vulnerable place but I feel like I need to tell
people. Maybe that will be my first step to getting better. Today, I
binged. My first goal for myself is, if I binge, not to purge. Today
I reached that goal. I still feel gross, fat and bloated due to the
amount of food I shoveled into my body but I am trying to look at the
positive side and tell myself that- hey, I did not purge! This has
got to be the first step to getting better right?!?
Tomorrow I am actually starting
the 17 day diet with my Mother and a bunch of her co-workers. I find
it funny because they all look to me for nutrition and fitness
advice. I am very good at giving it.. but not good at using it in my
own life. Don't get me wrong, I love learning about nutrition,
sharing what I know with everyone and I LOVE working out... but I
don't look it. Why??? Because I binge eat.. and nutrition is, in my
opinion, 75-80% of the way you look. So for me.. I look “average”
with “a little weight to lose”. I don't want to look average. I
want to look and be healthy. I want to be fit. If I am saying
everything I actually want to do- I want to quit my job and become a
fitness and eating disorder counselor. That is part of the reason I
want to fully beat my eating disorder. I want to help others beat it.
If I can live through it and beat it I really feel like I can help
others too. 2013 is going to be my year to beat my eating disorder,
get healthy both mentally, emotionally and physically and develop a
healthy relationship with myself and my body. I will keep you guys
all updated on my journey.
Thank you for listening. This post
was really hard for me to share. The one thing I haven't done yet is
told my parents the extent of my eating disorder.
Have any of you guys ever
experienced this? What did you do? How did you share this with your